The starting point for managing any tension is to get it on the table, so getting your team engaged in the conversation is the first step. This can include both one on one conversations as well as team gatherings. bringing your team together to have some good brainstorming and dialogue around this. how are we doing at managing a team workload? You’re going to surface some great awareness of the system that you’re managing. what’s working? what’s not working> what can we do about that? This is a great place to assess and evaluate what the current system looks like, how are workloads being distributed, how is the timing of workflows working out, what are some of the problem areas. Are we over or under on our capacity? Work to get that perspective on the table and create some awareness. With that awareness we can begin to explore the options for adjustments you can make to manage the team’s workload. we could divide those into 2 types of adjustments. What could you do with the workload itself, and what moves can you make with your people? In the next video we’ll start by taking a look at dials that you may be able to tweak with the actual work itself.